Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Free Radicals, White Power Outage Vol. 1


We live through an era of upheaval, as you no doubt well know. Just in time to reflect on the apocalyptic now we have a stirring musico-street-poetic Hip-Hop Rap-meets-Roots and Jazzish project five years in the making. Free Radicals is the name of the many artist collaboration and I happily hear their very later Black Lives Matter era collection of prescient and committed expressions on the turbulent today in White Power Outage, Volume One (self-published download and CD). 

It's all about the White Power grab out there, the conglomerate of malevolent forces we encounter, from fossil fuel hegemonizers to reactionary ideologues and their espousers, and their would-be militias. The words in this offering are pointed and lucid--and rhythmically hip. The music coves a lot of ground from Surf to Reggae to Avant Bluegrass Rock, R&B today and of course the word-ful. It is music of civil protest today, harrowing, funny, serious and mindful.

The arrangements are good. I especially like the horn lines.

It is music that drives as it also describes and criticizes. It is just what you need if you've had it with White Power threats and life on the downswing. The swirling abundance of artistry and insight makes all seem right. Go on Bandcamp and listen to "Chariot Rock" https://freeradicals.bandcamp.com/track/chariot-rock-feat-genesis-blu-jasmine-christine and you'll get an idea of what's up here.

It's not something I'd usually post on but then we live in times that are not the usual so you should hear this, I think. It is very well done. It hits home.

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